How To Conduct A Stealth Job Search

I was talking to a client recently who’s conducting a stealth job search. A stealth job search is when you’re currently working for an employer and you don’t want them to know that you are looking for a better job. Now, this is dicey because if you start doing some of the techniques that are … Read more

3 Soft Skills Every Great Leader Needs For Success

Soft skills get a bad rap. Yet more organizations are requiring development on the softer side than ever before. So, what’s the deal? “Companies have moved away from the ‘command and control’ decision-making style,” says Marie Holmstrom, the Charlotte, N.C.-based director of talent management and organization alignment with Towers Watson. “Managing day-to-day decisions takes away … Read more

How To Know When It’s Time To Leave Your Job

Remember when you started at your current job? You may have felt excited about the opportunities that were ahead, and the new skills you were going to learn. Fast-forward to present you at your job. Do you have that same excitement? If not, you may want to consider switching jobs. Studies show that people who … Read more

10 Things To Immediately Do On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the premier business networking site for job seekers and professionals at all levels. There are some things newbies need to know about LinkedIn before it will be a valuable tool for their job search, networking strategy, and overall career growth. In fact, whatever you’re using LinkedIn for, you should follow these 10 tips. … Read more

How To Get An Interview With Limited Work Experience

Picture this: You come across a job posting and think, “Wow, that’s my dream job!” You instantly get excited about this opportunity and start crafting your resume and cover letter. However, when you work on your resume, you realize that you have very little relevant work experience to show off. This could be because you’re … Read more

Navigating Project Chaos: My 4-Step Strategy For Success

Three weeks ago I was invited to join my CEO in a last-minute meeting. Without giving too much detail (for obvious reasons), we were meeting a marketing executive from a major brand. He was interested in our technology and wanted to learn more. It was a first meeting, so we did the usual demo and … Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Put MBA After Your Name On Your Resume

If you have an MBA and you’re looking for a job right now, I strongly advise you not to put MBA after your name at the top of your resume or on your LinkedIn profile. Here’s why… Recruiters are skimmers, and when they’re reviewing resumes for a job that doesn’t require an MBA, they don’t … Read more

Project Management In Apparel Industry: 7 Things To Consider

Navigating project management in the apparel industry involves anticipating challenges and seizing opportunities. This guide covers seven key considerations to help you deliver successful and innovative apparel projects. 1. Defining Clear Objectives Defining a clear objective for a project and how it relates to your business goals is crucial. Does the new product aim to … Read more

4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Accepting A Job Offer

Receiving a job offer after a long job search is one of the best feelings in the world. Before you say “yes” though, it’s important to determine whether you’re making the right decision for you and your career. After an incredibly difficult job search, it can be tempting to take the first job offer you … Read more

5 Ways To Deal With An Incompetent Boss

To make sure we’re on the same page about dealing with an “incompetent” boss and not a “bad” boss, let’s be clear on what the term means. An incompetent person is someone who is functionally inadequate or insufficient in knowledge, skills, judgment, or strength. If this is what you’re talking about then you’re right, they … Read more