What To Do If Your Employer Is In Breach Of Contract

“Always read the fine print.” Isn’t that what they say? It’s a vicious, dog-eat-dog business world and, more often than not, it’s the underdog who suffers. However, if that underdog is properly prepared and has a few tricks up their sleeve, the tables could be turned. If you feel as though you’ve been mistreated by … Read more

What Customer Success Has Taught Me About Proximity

Proximity is an essential tool in measuring the customer experience. The right mix of proximity could move a company’s customers from satisfaction to loyalty. The lack of proximity or the wrong mix could be the canary in a coal mine of a company’s fall from grace in their industry. CS professionals will benefit greatly in … Read more

3 Tips On How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

“Why should we hire you?” is actually one of the most common questions asked in a job interview. If you’re feeling upbeat and glad this question is being asked, you’re at a good starting point because it’s a question that gives you the opportunity to specifically inform the employer what you have to offer, why … Read more

8 Ways To Get Your Foot In The Door At Any Company

When you’re working a full-time job, finding time to enjoy the warm, bright summer weather can be a challenge. This is especially true for young professionals, as many of them are used to having summers off (or, at the very least, having a flexible summer schedule). But there’s no need to feel trapped behind your … Read more

The Importance Of Taking A “Week of Rest”

At Work It DAILY, we understand that true productivity and creativity stem from a well-rested and balanced mind. This is why we have implemented our “Week of Rest” initiative, where our team takes two one-week breaks each year to ensure everyone has the opportunity to reset and come back even stronger. As a small, dedicated … Read more

Why White-Collar Workers Are Struggling To Find Jobs In 2024

If you’re looking for a white-collar job in this competitive job market, specifically if you’re in your 30s or 40s and wondering why it’s suddenly so hard to get a job, I want to walk you through the evolution of job search and the dramatic change that is happening. As a job seeker, if you … Read more

Amplifying Your Brand Through Integrated Marketing & PR

In today’s competitive landscape, businesses must capture their audience’s attention quickly while communicating purposefully. Adopting an integrated marketing and public relations (PR) approach is a powerful way to achieve this. By unifying these two essential business functions, brands will enhance their efforts to reach the right people and achieve results faster than if the two … Read more

Gen X And Millennials In The Workplace: Who’s Better?

The workplace is no longer confined to cubicle spaces, hauling morning commutes, and conference rooms. Now, working is shifting from a physical place to a lifestyle. Technology has made this transition possible because we can access people, tools, and live streams globally with the click of our mouse regardless of being at an Italian coffee … Read more

Work It DAILY’s Top 6 Free Career Resources

Work It Daily has an amazing library of free resources for professionals at any age or job level. No matter if you’re looking for help with your job search, career change, or professional development efforts, Work It Daily has the career resources you need. Here are Work It Daily’s top six free career resources, plus … Read more

Why Do You #WorkItDaily? Share Your Story With Us Today!

When you’re working a full-time job, finding time to enjoy the warm, bright summer weather can be a challenge. This is especially true for young professionals, as many of them are used to having summers off (or, at the very least, having a flexible summer schedule). But there’s no need to feel trapped behind your … Read more