How To Conduct A Stealth Job Search

I was talking to a client recently who’s conducting a stealth job search. A stealth job search is when you’re currently working for an employer and you don’t want them to know that you are looking for a better job. Now, this is dicey because if you start doing some of the techniques that are … Read more

10 Things To Immediately Do On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the premier business networking site for job seekers and professionals at all levels. There are some things newbies need to know about LinkedIn before it will be a valuable tool for their job search, networking strategy, and overall career growth. In fact, whatever you’re using LinkedIn for, you should follow these 10 tips. … Read more

Why You Shouldn’t Put MBA After Your Name On Your Resume

If you have an MBA and you’re looking for a job right now, I strongly advise you not to put MBA after your name at the top of your resume or on your LinkedIn profile. Here’s why… Recruiters are skimmers, and when they’re reviewing resumes for a job that doesn’t require an MBA, they don’t … Read more

4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Accepting A Job Offer

Receiving a job offer after a long job search is one of the best feelings in the world. Before you say “yes” though, it’s important to determine whether you’re making the right decision for you and your career. After an incredibly difficult job search, it can be tempting to take the first job offer you … Read more

Why Job Interviews Are Out Of Control In 2024

Is your job search driving you crazy? You’re not alone. A recent survey from The Hustle found that 58% of job seekers believe job interviewing is out of control. And they’re right: interviewing is grueling right now. If you’re looking for a job, you know what I’m talking about—hiring managers being disrespectful, getting ghosted after … Read more

8 Ways To Get Your Foot In The Door At Any Company

When you’re working a full-time job, finding time to enjoy the warm, bright summer weather can be a challenge. This is especially true for young professionals, as many of them are used to having summers off (or, at the very least, having a flexible summer schedule). But there’s no need to feel trapped behind your … Read more

Why White-Collar Workers Are Struggling To Find Jobs In 2024

If you’re looking for a white-collar job in this competitive job market, specifically if you’re in your 30s or 40s and wondering why it’s suddenly so hard to get a job, I want to walk you through the evolution of job search and the dramatic change that is happening. As a job seeker, if you … Read more

Work It DAILY’s Top 6 Free Career Resources

Work It Daily has an amazing library of free resources for professionals at any age or job level. No matter if you’re looking for help with your job search, career change, or professional development efforts, Work It Daily has the career resources you need. Here are Work It Daily’s top six free career resources, plus … Read more